why ALF members were worried about Mirando's super pigs in the movie Okja ?

why ALF members were worried about Mirando's super pigs in the movie Okja ?

why ALF members were worried about Mirando's super pigs in the movie Okja 

What was the hidden truth behind Lucy 's plan? 
Okja movie is surrounded to the mutant pigs . actually Mirando Corporation produced some hybrid pigs with some illegal scientific experiments. Regarding these pigs Mirando's chairman Lucy Mirando surely to knew that the pigs would be grow more than as comparing to the normal pigs. Those who animals were produce scientifically oftentimes they could  grow much  rather than normal animals , so the illustrations of these kind of super pigs like okja seems probably true. 

Many more hybrid animals exist in actual world like liger which have produced by combining a sperm of lion and the egg of Tigress .it couldn't be possible naturally but  human interference made this possible,that mean with a bit change in nature's order, we can control the growth of natural animals accordingly our will. By using Same scientific principal even there had produced a smallest breed of dog in world. But that pig named okja and those who pigs were same like okja whom Lucy sent to the different countries were not  really produced like as liger made by humans , instead of this okja and fellow pigs were produced through extreme genetic engineering and biological experiments. 

In some of limit those pigs were made through same procedure and principal used in making ligers and other hybrids, but it might be possible to getting worst results in wrong interference in nature, perhaps it depends on which kind of changes have created and even this has to what extent? In the movie okja it has shown us that those pigs were the result of complicated unnatural setups of science Mirando had used. Lucy knew it all that if she reveals these pigs to the society as a whole new scientific discovery , then it will be create further hardships to convince the people to eat the pork meat will made by Lucy's these pigs and instead even Lucy  ever remained determined to sold the meat of her created hybrid animals in bulk, that's why Lucy Mirando didn't made their pigs out of the comfort Zone of society.

 Hence Lucy presents her pigs before society by saying as all were reproduced by Nature's pig's breed, otherwise if Lucy  would have tried to persuade the people for picking up the all unnatural meat, she could face lot of condemnation by society and even by media, because how much people exist in world would like to taste alien's meat ? Surely not enough ! Lucy could face sentence for years if her secret would had disclose  before the people because then this fact would had illustrate openly that Lucy has made these pigs while going through those kind of experiments which have been prohibited by law. Therefore from this reason we  saw in movie okja that the members of ALF were worried and didn't want to let go this hybrid pork meat to the markets for sell. But movie okja doesn't answer that what kind of side effects could be persist if this type of meats are consuming on daily basis for a long time? 

why ALF members were worried about Mirando's super pigs in the movie Okja ?

okja doesn't reveals whole truth behind it because nobody knows about possible it's side effects but there is  many of indications are to measuring and to making an imagination to answer it. As we know about what have science said to us that  human beings are not able to digest even natural meat properly ; for making the picked meat fully digest our liver have to work more and stressed .  Our liver go tired while digestion of took meat and as much digestion could be completed, having said that there are produced in our body massive amount of green house gases. 

That means science have considered people over the world are most responsible for global warming who they have meat based diet regularly rather than those who are with a vegetarian diet. Even natural meat if we start to pick furthermore , it does create a bad effect on our Eco system then it's a matter of thought that if we will eat the meat of super pigs like okja then who can tell us what will be happened? It may be possible to having new types of cancer and might have some complex bodily disorders very soon due to this kind of diet type. 

Perhaps it might nearly be possible. Instead of all this, there is a extreme but rare imagination are have ranging out all this ,I want to discuss about for describing Alf's fear according to the movie. Suppose ,after years of feeding by hybrid meats the delicate chemical balance of human body got massively disturbed and furthermore such kind of disturbance that was hardly to cure. Now it might comes true that the older microbes and bio organisms with which we are lived from starting as our companions in our trajectory of life ,and also there didn't have any fight between them and us until we were on the nature's made diet, but now our diet modification can cause a fight between each other ,

in this imagination type it all can be occurred because due to our disturbed bodily chemical balance can make them ready to attack on our body .this is an example  when viruses and microbes being confused and started watching us as  their target like enemies or food, whereas we would have not in that category actually and this all will be our fault because we are continue to increased our population and and this all will be our fault because we are continue to increased our population and through it nature's being damaged by our several negligence which have forced us to make the hybrid and genetically modified animals and also it had force us to eat them whereas we shouldn't have done that.

 Hence we find the fact that we are not able oftentimes to get the right way on right time accordingly as the okja says. So at the end we have know that ALF had a subtle fear in their mind with regard to okja and like others which could not be described openly in the movie. That's all 
Sumit Verma

why ALF members were worried about Mirando's super pigs in the movie Okja 

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