full explanation of the movie Nun with fun
The movie Nun is one of my most favourite horror movie in all horror movies I have seen . It has seen in the movie that there was an evil king in Romania who misused his prosperity. The king had been determined himself to take the steps to open an otherworldly door in paranormal world of evil spirits. He was obviously to fulfill his ambition if church was not interfere in this.when the king started open a door to bring out an unknown evil power in this world and at the same moment church come up that place with his own army and stops the king to open that door widely.
First of all the king had been arrested by the church. Superiors of church have came up with the blood of Jesus Christ in an glass symbolic thing ,I don't know what the thing that was but it filled with Jesus's blood. By dropping few drops of it the door had closed intimately.although that door not to destroyed by this solution and was revealing the possibility to open back again! Then church decided to turn the captivated palace of the king into an Abbey. Church appointed the Nuns there. in order to keep close that door church said to Nuns that they constantly to pray with Jesus and calm down the otherworldly door. While passing the time of world war anytime during that decade some bombs hit the corner roof of castle and then we can predicted what would have being happened ahead! the door was opened and that mysterious evil spirit became free after.
She had to trying focus the Nuns who was near most to her and she started to focusing them weaknesses for hunting down them badly. One after another she beats overall almost and then it was the turn came to the villagers to being hunted by her .In the original story villagers of Romania's village have suffered less than to the heroes because the heroes had fight with that spirit and succeed to captivate her behind the door again .So eventually they closed the door before she making it more worse .but did you have thought ever that why that evil spirit not to focused her prime targets ,'the villagers' properly? Why she couldn't take charge on the people who was lived in the village? This question has packed itself a new possibility which using I could enjoyed the story of the movie Nun by two ways. l have a willing to explain the another version influenced with original story,hope you will enjoy. How much I'm understood that the nature's law for deeds is that if doing wrong is punishable ,then seeing other one making wrong deed is also so punishable , if you couldn't interfere in it by willing.
People in that village wasn't make anything wrong but them ancestors made a huge fault.they could not go against their king intentionally still they had known that king's efforts to performing the black magic related deeds.the ancestors would not be stop the king but how could they did this ? How could they empower themselves to being against their king? It was not being so easy as in talks. But still once the hell door was opened by the king, Nature considered that villagers are like the companions of evil king in making some more unnatural and wrong.that means the evil spirit who was just going to free to wander in this world ,her first target was became that king and those villagers. Church was known that this dark spirit would not pardoned the villagers in any way if she could get a chance.all was going to die by this outbreak caused by the spirit very soon. Although door is now had been closed by the power of Jesus's blood but the church was not satisfied.they found this as too much temporary and not so long lasting.
To be insure that door would be closed even ahead ,church had decided to appointing Nuns over that place so that Nuns pray to the God day and night in turns and that hell door keep to be stable .all Nuns was continue to pray in Abbey and all that happened ahead is the part of original story that we have seen in the movie.
Now suppose if such as not happened so what could being happened then ? I mean to say in this angle the church had not decided to make the castle into an Abbey ,instead of this they sealed the captivated castle and resolved that priest superior( from big church in Rome) would come once in a year at decided time and make holistic cleaning to the castle to reduce the darkness was created in the castle because of that otherworldly door inside. So ,in this angle when the bombs fell down on the roof of the castle there was not not an defensive layer(Nuns) that could protect the villagers.passing next few days many of people was died as a mysterious horrible manner.
Villagers had started to call big church of Rome at it's starting but unfortunately still after 3 weeks help could not come and till now a number of people had been died. Dead body was found on the way towards to castle. Now Frenchie has decided to go to Rome and exhort the critical situation to the church face to face. Then church called father Burke and sister Irene that they go to the village and finding out what have happened? Just because the re cleaning time to the castle was more war away even up to seven months so it was not possible that priest superior could get back to the castle! Thus Frenchie came back to the village with father Burke and Irene and with return he had a news that a little girl named 'Garla' had missing from past night. There was not found her body anywhere so it was hard to say that she is alive or not ? But her disappearance was started to filled the villagers with a combined feeling of fear , revenge and sorrow. Now all the people was unanimous on a decision that other all people will be secured if the castle make into ruin. They actually now wanted to demolished the castle.Now father Burke had fully considered that they actually had been late to come. The situation was really so critical and now started to became unmanageable. Now all the people of village also had bought the explosives by all their savings.They had not any intention to stop moving without castle being destroyed. Irene got a dream That Garla has in the castle and castle has start to explode. Father Burke was trying best to persuade the other people for stop this deed but it was seems to be an waste attempt. Franchie stopped Father Burke to make more efforts for this and perhaps he warned Father Burke and Irene ranging out staying in village. He was worried about them safety .
Father Burke knew that he have to go to the castle to cleanse that before it's being destructed ,but first they decided to cleanse entire village which could prevent that evil to constantly attack on the people. Then father Burke began to try to make the boundaries of village sacred back again to prevent entering that black spirit in the village again.there was only two persons actually along to them while doing this, of course they both were Frenchie and Irene . All other people was as became unresponsive for Burke's attempts ; they were not helping nor they made any disturbance to the father Burke . Frenchie brought father Burke and Irene to show the graves of those who people died in a very short time by an outbreak of castle's spirit. There was an open grave waiting to Garla ,many of people believed that she has been died. Then Irene got remember back again that she has seen a dream about Garla.
First day , Burke continue to cleansed the overall village boundaries and there was nothing gone happened bad on such first day of. But while performing second day's cleansing ,Burke had to confront dark spirit . father Burke had been disappeared suddenly.almost immediately , Frenchie and Irene started to find out father Burke everywhere.when father Burke regain consciousness they found that they were near the castle. Despite all these they were not alone there ! That evil power was along there with Burke ,looked like a Nun and said," I have made a lot of sins father . Can we pray now?" When that black spirit charge on Burke ,Father Burke began to run .Frenchie supposed that Burke could've found near the palace so he was also coming at there on his horse carriage.Even Frenchie was expecting the death of Burke but fortunately he found Burke alive. Frenchie saved Burke's life but into the return the morn was came.at night an villager was killed in a very mysterious manner .
Now the other people of village had decided to ruin up the castle before spending next night, to insure the safety of others left. Now the village people had been start to set the explosives up into the castle and even they find no trouble in this.On the other side father Burke and sister Irene was pray to wellness of all. As soon as the explosion got started Irene felt to unwell this time. She saw with open eyes the seen that scared Garla has in the castle and the castle shattering down by weaknesses caused by explosions. When Irene's situation got stable father Burke was gonna prepare himself to go to the ruin side of castle just because they wanted to pray on there too. Irene was also there whereas Burke desired that she must not had on there just now. The other people embarked back to village such as they found an ultimate triumph and father Burke was repeating only the sentences of prayers . Burke was sad . perhaps they was believing that an demonic power couldn't be destroy like this, but father Burke definitely would have been a wish to all others that may the cycle of death will stopped. Burke was also constantly hiding a box from Irene, the box he had received from the large church in Rome. The mystery of this box had to reveal in end . Even after a month the village had being
Completely stable and peaceful, although Burke gotten feel that something is wrong somewhere.
After spending a week there was occurred a death again. At the same moment Irene had getting a dream in which she was standing before the castle. In her dream the castle had in one piece , I mean, not be ruined . Then Irene began to run away from that demonic spirit. it was such as that while having the dream Irene's eye got be stuck with each other. Frenchie couldn't make awaken her even with his full attempts and then Irene putted up her both hands on her throat, as somebody was
trying to Suppressing her throat. When Father Burke embarked reading the passages of Bible ,then eventually Irene got up from her scary dream. Through this angle it is seeing that without Having Nuns in the story, that demonic spirit was really trying to fulfill all those steps which she found probably appropriate to punish the people of village. At the next mourning buried that person had died passed night. He was a young one named 'Sol'. He was also have a wife named 'Kathy'. Sol's body became dried which was unusual in all deaths have been.
Seeing demolished castle Burke was pissed off and after watching some of deaths in those of innocent people Irene had now pissed off too. It was first in her life when she had saw sudden untimely deaths with a short time basis on. Next day ,Irene became missed but Frenchie said came to the Burke that his gun and a horse of carriage was also missed with now. Both two of them understood that obviously Irene had go towards to the castle riding up horse but what was the reason behind carrying Frenchie's gun with her own ? Just because Irene got a believe that she wouldn't found the castle as ruins there anymore! If she found the mender of palace over there , I mean that ghost, Irene wanted to gave him all bullets of her gun. How gullible she was so that the dying strangers got such as influenced her mind that she did forgot that how would she kill an soul with a gun ? Irene found there the palace as ruins but she also found a weeping little seven years old girl over there. She said to Irene her name which is 'Garla'.but she was not that girl anyway.
after considering that the girl wasn't who she claimed to being, Irene got scared a lot. When the little girl began to ran to take a charge on Irene ,Irene having to shoot her up. Then Irene started to weeping because she felt as she did hurt really that girl despite her mind knew that she didn't make anything wrong. Demonic evil decided to entering in Irene to show her how was all that started on. All past happenings had been now in front of Irene; the king who performs on black magic and related deeds and finally the door embarked to visible and open itself, etc. Irene Such as felt that she was on there when all that was starting firstly. Then Irene had no idea that what happened ahead? That soul clearly indicated her ," don't interfere at this all. Ancestors of villagers had done wrong thus the descendants became punishable, but you leave the place!" After arriving out on the palace Burke and Frenchie became almost out of their senses to see the distinctive appearance of there. Irene was unconscious and also hanging two to three foots up from the ground but that wasn't the most strange thing of the moment! when seen the palace Burke and Frenchie felt the real power of Satan, just because that now the palace was seeing quite a lot better than before!
The palace now looked as like , there hadn't been tried to destroy it ever. Even there was no significant sign left on the castle of past earlier destruction. Irene suddenly came down to ground but she was still unconscious. After coming back to the village when Father Burke tried to explain the other people, how they and Frenchie saw the palace in an damage free posture, first of all others couldn't believe to them but frequently asking and questioning to Burke finally they got believe on them and considered that they might have offended the dark soul badly.it was actual hard time beginning to all of them now. The subsequent time which was gonna come to have started to seeing more annoying. Last solution was only leftover in these circumstances, applying which the way towards to palace had been intimately closed now. To seeing the intact overall palace Burke got really pleased because now they could perform what they didn't tried before. Now the mystery of box revealed before Irene and Frenchie that this box was carrying the sacred symbol filled with Jesus Christ's blood ,an ultimate weapon against supreme demonic powers from ever.
Father Burke could got a chance to find out the history wide details of the palace in big church at Rome ,where they introduced Burke with some horrible secrets related to the palace of Saint Carta and had given him this holy symbol and said to them ,"when all attempts will be failed it will help!" The church had given a mission to Burke that they have to once check the door to examine that if there is a truth behind all this or all that is just a rumours and nothing at all! If the door really has been activated then in case that sacred blood only could be useful as it was also being useful before. So basically we can say that father Burke walked on Romania with a terrible mission taken with themselves because now we know that all was true. Definitely the church had seen in Burke some really distinctive special quality so that they choosen him but even I don't know what that qualities are?When Father Burke was as came in village they were firstly looking for a chance to go to the palace but that time they felt that priority must given to insuring the safety of people first, although their efforts would have not created such a massive change in situations but therefore he was late to did for his main ambition.
Now father Burke prepared and determined himself for finalizing the chapter for a long ,so they had to gonna castle very soon. Burke had been considered that the otherworldly door has actually be open. Now they explained whole truth to Irene. She was an absolute steadfast fellow but also was accepting that the arms would have purposeless against that evil.therefore final battle ,she considered to admiring the shield of true reverence ,that means Irene now got to prepared for his oath to became complete Nun.
Frenchie liked Irene and even after completing her oath and became complete Nun , Frenchie could not leave them . With the power of pray ,all three of them started to go to the palace. there were not anything bad happened in the way but the path was less than to usual .the path which connected palace to the village was at least of 40 to 50 minutes may be and than too if the horse carriage is used .
but that day after praying, when Father Burke along with Irene and Frenchie had gone to the palace ,they all reached over there destiny in just 5 minutes. Frenchie also had felt over the way strange than ever and the castle-ghost announced particularly to them by this manner ," if you really want to backed off me ,you have to hurry! Either you die or I will !" everything else is the same in this story as it was in the real story. They also got entered in palace easily. Thinking like this is just so weirdest manner to feel ,I mean keep yourself move to them on their places at once, then you think wandering in castle ," it's unbelievable that this palace had totally been destroyed ." Frenchie and Irene was also thinking such at the moment now. Now they had to search that door ( Irene had in the uniform of Nun). Clearly they felt somebody had trying to follow them but this time it was not that ghost! It was Kathy , sol's wife. She was also admiring to along with them.
After getting Kathy in team they decided to distinctively search the door, through divided in pairs. Frenchie and Burke gone to a part of castle looking for the door and Kathy with Irene was gone opposite direction of them. Then game had been on. Illusions created by evil to impaling and seducing them , and Irene got some injured too. Hardly they all met together again. Seeing Irene's courage father Burke got really impressed with her. To appreciating her courage Burke open the satchel of sacredly symbol and garland this to Irene. Then we all know that demonic power was entered into Irene and this time she wanted to be reside constantly. When Frenchie tried to help Irene she got injured him too but still Frenchie made free Irene by his cleverness. just right up on the otherworldly door Irene was quite close to die, but eventually before dying Irene got a chance to use Jesus's blood .she used it and saved herself. When Father Burke explained the entire truth to the church ,then church had decided that it would be so nice to build up the castle into an Abbey. Thus we see that through my this angle, story has changed a bit and gone at the new way but at the end both stories merged each other , and with this ending the truth has same even now that she was a Nun who defeated the darkness and her name was sister Irene.
Kathy had found Garla alive while wandering in castle. Garla's parents Eva and William were leaving the village and going somewhere else and now Garla had returned but still they refused to get her along with themselves ! Actually Eva and William were still considering that their daughter Garla died as blown up with the palace so how that little girl could be their Garla? according to them this little girl was not their Garla! Garla made not any word against their parent's wordings and thoughts ! Kathy actually accepted Garla as his own daughter .so nice of Kathy. Father Burke and sister Irene continue to stayed in those village of Romania until Nuns came over there , during this period Father Burke and Irene was continue to go on palace for making cleansing to it. After that, both had came back to Rome And now that thing has come for a full two years. Today Burke got invited to telling their this story to others who wanted to listen up. But even that was not an media event.
This was an truthful attempt of Burke to stronger the faith of believers and for clear some of their doubts ranging out to paranormal. Father Burke told about their experiences obtained by Saint Carta to those young ones presented over there. Father Burke said at the end ," yes ,such as things existed all over in world which are probably beyond all explanations. Some of them I have seen with my own eyes , therefore I realised if these kind of demonic evils and their powers exists so then obviously God has exist in this world with his power too." Burke was continuously discussing while even finalizing his tale. Burke also told those people that he received the mails came from Romania a year ago; some of them were sent by Kathy. Kathy was afraid about Garla . although even after coming from the castle, Garla was as a normal child like others : she was studying ,she was full with playfulness and even she contribute her toil hard in the works of home but she made drawings too. She had making detailed drawings of palace's ghost Nun.
Some of drawings made by Garla also sent by Kathy to Burke and kathy was asked about what should she do ? And another mails Burke got from Frenchie. Frenchie had wrote a numbers of letters to describe his same problem to Burke. Frenchie had wrote, " A little while after sleeping, I reach to the palace in my dreams, in that times when palace was only the palace and it wasn't reformed as into an Abbey." These kind of weird dreams had made Frenchie really annoyed then a year and became him restless. After listening the entire story of Burke a person of them asked him," do you really believe father, that evil spirit had rebuild the overall ruined castle back again?" So then Father Burke gave them a really wonderful answer. They said," Satan can only let us get involved in delusions . He is immense personality of destruction ,not creation!" Burke was only wanted to said that the Evil had shown the people whatever they wanted to have seen whereas the truth is, whole palace was never been destroyed. that's all. Sumit Verma
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